Thursday, October 23, 2014

Citizenship & Voting

One of the ultimate goals for many of our clients is citizenship. The final step in all the hassle of immigration - past the visas, the permanent resident status to finally reaching citizenship. The status that the government cannot take away, allows you to travel without restriction, work without restriction, live life without the threat of your status being taken away.  And, of course, finally given a voice in our country - a voice to choose your representative, a voice to say what direction you want the United States to go, a voice to vote.

This issue is quite personal to me because this is the first year I could vote. I have gone through the immigration process as many of our clients have done.  My situation was a little different as my parents took care of most of the visa process when I was a minor, so the major decision I made was to become a citizen and move beyond my greencard status.  Last summer I took the oath and became a citizen of this country. 

There were many decision that went into the process (travel freedom being a major influence), but the ability to vote was an important one.  Since I began my first job in high school at Coldstone Creamery, I have paid taxes to the government yet never had a vote (this was a HUGE reason for the Revolutionary taxation without representation - still exists for immigrants today).  I have watched Presidents, Senators, Representatives from both parties; I've judged their leadership and decision-making, yet had no ability to influence their decisions.  But FINALLY, I am able to become involved in the political system.  I can vote.  And, in fact, I early voted to make sure I would not miss it or have to wait in a long line on November 4th.

So to all you citizens out there who have always had  chance to vote, make sure you take this opportunity! Vote for your fellow humans who live in this country and do not have a voice.  Vote for them - vote for people who are part of this country, pay taxes, contribute to our society, but have to live in the shadows, but have to follow the rules which they have no control over.  And for those of you who reach citizenship through immigration, congratulations.  It is a long journey, but a rewarding one. Go VOTE!!!

#govote #voting #citizenship #FayettevilleArkansas #immigrationlawyer #Immigrationstory #earlyvoting #november4th #NWA #notaxationwithoutrepresentation

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