Thursday, December 11, 2014

To the Nay-sayers of Obama's Executive Action

As some of you may know, I teach American National Government at the University of Arkansas in the evenings (as well as practicing law quite well ;)) And every semester, I have my students write a paper.  Usually they write a letter to a government official about some policy.  But on election years, they write about the Senatorial or House Candidate race for their state or district. They discuss the candidates, some issues involved, and then give their opinions.  And while I grade these papers, I put my own politics aside.  Even when students write crazy things and agree with hate-mongers and ideologies I just don't understand how people can follow - the paper is not about whether I agree, but whether they explain their thoughts and the candidates fully.

But now the papers are all graded and turned back, so I can have a bit of a rant on how some people see immigration and Obama's recent executive action.  You see, many of my more right-wing students agree with the right-wing politicians and do not believe in giving an ounce of amnesty to immigrants. Send them all back where they belong.  Even the ones born here. They're stealing benefits, American jobs, and they need to get in line and come here legally.

So, to all my students who may read this, or to all you out in the world, let me explain my thoughts on this.  First, let us understand that there really is no line for these people.  Most undocumented people in the United States come from Mexico or Central America.  The U.S. has visa quotas for various countries, and Mexico, India, China and the Philippines are at the top of the list of having far more applicants than positions open.  To put this in context, let's look at an example.  I looked up the most recent Visa Bulletin released by the government. Say you moved here from Mexico and became a citizen. But your child, who is an adult now, still lives in Mexico and you want to apply for him - put him on the list.  Well, the government is just now getting to applicants from 1994. So you may be waiting a while. Oh, you want to apply for your sister or brother to come to the U.S. to live? They are looking at 1997 right now. Get the picture? Technically there is a line, but it is not a real option for people because the waiting list is ridiculous. And if you do not have a relative to sponsor you, there really is not a list for you. Maybe you could put your name in the diversity lottery...but even then, your odds are incredibly unlikely.

So there's no line. Let's address the stealing benefits and jobs.  It's true that right now, if an undocumented person had a horrific accident and needed to go to the hospital, a physician would probably treat them even if they had no insurance and are undocumented. Sure, the tax payers might be paying for it. This is actually the area where more conservative people should be rejoicing and happy for Obama's plan.  You see, with this Deferred Action plan (part of the Executive Action),  undocumented people receive work authorization for three years (so they're saying right now). This means they will be paying taxes.  This means they will likely be required to have health insurance via the ACA. So by bringing them into the system, we actually create less burden on the system.

Additionally, let us face facts. There are American employers out there who are hiring these undocumented workers. Why would people come if there were no benefits? Oftentimes, you will see these American companies or employers taking advantage of the undocumented by paying less wages or giving less benefits (if any) and of course, not paying taxes on the worker. By bringing the undocumented into the system, we actually make it a fairer playing field for American workers looking for jobs.  Because if an unscrupulous employer has to decide between an American who wants a good wage and benefits and an undocumented immigrant who has to take what he is given and cannot complain to anyone or he will be deported....who will that employer hire?  By giving the undocumented work authorization, they must be paid at least minimum wage. And so Americans can actually compete with this. And perhaps more Americans could be hired because an unethical employer can no longer choose the silent, uncomplaining worker. The threat of deportation is gone.

Finally, and I'm sure Don or I have discussed this before, but let us also just look at the humanity side of this issue. The business details are important and perhaps they will help convince some. But the fact is that so many of these undocumented have lived here 15, 20, 30 years. They have American citizen children here. Their whole life is here. And every day the children live in fear that their parents will be taken away from them.  And the reality is that every day this does happen.  Sometimes there are ways for the parents to stay, but often there are not. Obama's plan does not fix this.  But it does defer the situation and (hopefully) guarantee that for three years at least, families will not have to fear deportation but can instead live out in the open.  Contribute to society. Shop in our stores. Spend their legal wages on American goods and spur our economy to new heights.
And stay together.

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