Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!


Here at Balla & Naylor Law Firm, we are excited about 2015. This is a year of possibilities and change.  If anything new at all comes from Immigration Reform, it will be Obama's Executive Action going into action in February and May.  If Congress decides to actually do something for immigration, we could see bigger changes.

At Balla & Naylor Law Firm, we are attorneys who want to help immigrants.  Where we are born is total chance.  I was lucky to be born in Australia, and have a family with the financial resources to travel to the United States and become part of this country with relative ease.  Don was lucky to be born in the United States and become a successful professional.  Other people are not so lucky.  They are born in places of violence, war, poverty.   And they see a wonderful country here in the United States and want to live the American Dream.  So they try to change their destiny.  Just like the American Dream alludes to.  The idea that you can take yourself out of your current situation and make something of yourself.

We want to help make these dreams reality.  This is the type of firm we are; the type of lawyers we are; the type of people we are.  2015 has barely begun, but we are ready to dream big and help all those who want to make America their home.

Happy New Year.

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